Regression Therapy 2025 – 2026

To apply for the program, please fill out the questionnaire

Program structure

We meet online via Zoom in a small group of 4 to 8 people.

The program consists of 5 comprehensive modules.

Each module includes:

  • Reading 2 books per module,
  • Watching videos with theory and case demonstrations (approximately 2-3 hours per module),
  • 30 hours of live in-class work,
  • 6 hours of live in-class supervision,
  • 4 independently taken and written supervision cases to gain hands-on experience.

Our live sessions are meticulously planned and will include:

  • Theory,
  • Questions and discussions,
  • Live demonstrations,
  • Work in pairs,
  • Feedback from instructor.

The program entails over 250 hours of in-class and independent work.

You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance between sessions in a private group on WhatsApp.

A module is considered complete when you have attended all sessions and received written feedback on your supervision work.

Each module takes three months.

During this time, you’ll watch videos, participate in all sessions, complete four supervision cases, and read books for the next module.

Upon completing all five modules, you must pass a written exam with questions on regression therapy theory and complete 5 client works where the client’s symptoms significantly improve.

After this, you’ll receive a certificate as a regression hypnotherapist.

The schedule is subject to change. I will inform you about any date changes at least one month in advance.

What do you need to start learning?

1. Aquire basic hypnosis skills.

You will need to have basic hypnosis skills. I provide a basic introductory course in hypnosis.

2. Experience regression therapy as a client.

If you have never attended a regression session, I invite you to work with me. To all those who take my regression therapy class and those who wish to enroll in it, I offer a student discount.

3. Fill out the questionnaire and have an interview with Masha.


Supervisions are one of the main components of this program. They provide you with the opportunity to practice your skills hands-on.

After each module, you will conduct 4 supervision cases, working with your friends or acquaintances who are not enrolled in this program.

After each session, I suggest that you immediately write down the information on a special form and send me your written case. I will provide feedback within a few days.

I suggest that you have an experience working with clients both, online and in-person. In-person work will be particularly important after the third module, where we will learn to work with somatic memories.

We will also have live online supervisions between modules, when I observe your work and provide you with feedback.

Individual Attention

Certificate and Accreditation

You will receive a Regression Therapist certificate after you:

  • Complete requirements of all five modules
  • Pass a written theory exam
  • Submit five written supervision cases where your client’s main symptom is significantly reduced

After graduating from the program, I can assist you in obtaining IBRT accreditation.

Supervision after you graduate.

The cost of one module

— including supervisions

before December 20th 2024


после after December 20th 2024


The cost of the whole program

— 5 modules and supervisions

before December 20th 2024


after December 20th 2024


Will you record live classes?

Yes, all live classes will be recorded and the recordings will be available for 6 months after you graduate.

I already know how to do past life regression through hypnosis. Do I need your program?

Yes, regression through hypnosis is only a small part of this program. You will gain many more tools for working with current life and past life regression.

I am an experienced hypnotherapist. Will I benefit from your program?

Yes, you will gain new powerful tools to help clients. Regression therapy can be easily integrated with hypnosis and NLP.

Are there similar programs?

There are three schools that teach somatic work in regression. Additionally, I have included my own techniques, such as working with Hellinger’s laws of love, using client’s metaphors, and others, which are not taught in any school.

Why do you put sucn an emphasise on the work with trauma in regression?

I train regression therapists so that they can be as helpful as possible to their clients. Typically, we get stuck in traumatic events and replay the same situations in life. Working with trauma releases the stuck energy and brings maximum therapeutic effect.

Can I miss a class?

This is undesirable as we work in a small group, and your absence reduces the group’s energy capacity. If you can not attend, you will be able to review the theoretical part of our meeting in the recording. For an additional fee, I will ask you to pari with another student for supervision work. I will also spend time with you to ensure that you have assimilated the theoretical part. In addition, I will ask you to be a client for another student for their independent practice.

How does your method differ from what other past life regression therapists do?

Most past life regression therapists do an excellent work, but they do not know how to work with past life and current life trauma. Typically, they immerse clients in past lives through relaxation, visualization, or “meditation,” which does not always work for analytically-minded individuals. They do not remove the energetic charge of trauma from the body and often avoid catharsis and abreactions. Regression therapy is built on working with traumas from past lives and the current life, identifying points of emotional tension and trauma, and transforming them for complete healing. Regression therapy rarely uses relaxation-based hypnosis. The bridge technique works much faster and more effectively, allowing even those who do not respond to relaxation-based hypnosis to enter regression. Past life regression therapists are not familiar with somatic work for healing trauma. As a graduate of this program, you will be able to help clients on a deeper level.

Do you want to join us?

Fill out the questionnaire.

What do students from the previous cohort say?

The program is well-structured. You have a set of tools and algorithms to start practicing with clients right after the first module.

For me, the strongest aspect of the program is the somatic work. I am amazed at how deeply and quickly one can enter hypnosis solely through somatic work and what results can be achieved using this approach.

The regression hypnosis is so deep that the client experiences the process independently, with vivid emotions and sensations, which eliminates doubts about the information received.

Unlike energy work, where everything goes through the therapist, here the client transforms their energy themselves with astonishing results.

Regression therapy is a wonderful transpersonal method for healers. Hypnosis has long proven itself, and the results are unquestionable. Moreover, this method combines well with energy practices, coaching, constellation work, and other approaches.

Julia Novak

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

What I like the most is the individual approach to learning. Each supervision case is discussed individually, and tailored recommendations are provided. You can always seek assistance through the WhatsApp group, and responses come promptly.

I appreciate the method itself. It is gentle for both the client and the therapist. During supervised sessions in the learning process, many of my own issues were resolved.

There’s a pleasant and supportive learning atmosphere, where everyone is ready to assist each other, with open minds and attentive listening.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★