Shamanic Practices

Shamanism is a healing modality, practiced by indiginous people for millennia. A shaman develops a relationship with her helping spirits via altered states of consciousness. The healing is done through shaman by her helping spirits. 

I developed a method that allows you to be your own shaman. When I work with you, I go into trance myself and help you achieve an altered state of consciousness. We do the healing together, you, and my helping spirits who work through me. Your active participation in your healing allows you to achieve better results in a shorter amount of time, goes deeper, empowers you, and connects you with your own spiritual helpers.

During our work I may use a rattle, a pendulum, crystals, or stones.

Healing Methods I May Use


This shamanic process allows access to the energetic blueprint of the body through the chakra system to release imprints from wounding and traumas.

Restoring Power

Power, in the shamanic sense, is the life force that flows through you, allowing you to create, to be healthy, and to be protected.  Power loss results in symptoms including chronic bad luck, low energy, lack of purpose, and depression.

Soul Retrieval

Part of our vital essence, our soul, can leave during a traumatic event, like emotional or physical abuse, accidents, loss of a loved one, assault, rape, incest, divorce, surgery, or wartime experiences.  Soul loss results in symptoms including feelings of emptiness, unhealthy relationships, chronic illness or depression.

Shamanic Journeying

Nearly anyone can learn how to do shamanic journeying, an out-of-body experience in which you enter into an altered state of consciousness to retrieve information or receive healing.

Spirit Releasement (depossession)

When a person dies, normally their spirit goes into the light. If for some reason, this doesn’t happen, these spirits can attach to a living person as energy parasites. This can cause many problems including fatigue, aberrant behavior, addiction, difficulty making decisions, mood swings, or many other symptoms. More than one spirit may attach to an individual. Sometimes, entities that never had physical bodies can attach to a person. Removing all those entities may result in dramatic improvements on all levels of being.