How to Align with Your Intuition?

Intuitive information always comes to us. We need to permit ourselves to receive it. We are all built up differently on the energetic level, and therefore, intuition comes to us in different ways. It is crucial to understand how this happens for you and learn to listen to yourself. For me, intuition and connection with […]

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Insomnia, Grief, and Letting Go of a Deceased Parent.

I am publishing this case with the permission of my client. All names and personal details were changed. Marina, a 40-something female client, came to see me for a recent bout of insomnia. At night she felt extremely apprehensive with a strange sensation in her right lower abdomen as if something was moving there. When […]

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Karma is Neither a Reward nor a Punishment.

As a regression therapist, I have been asked about Karma many times. In ancient Sanskrit, Karma means “action.” Hinduism sees Karma as a punishment or a reward for our actions in past lives. However, after conducting many hundreds of past life regressions, I can see that Karma is not about being good or bad. From […]

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Empaths are the way-showers, the citizens of the future

I am an empath, and I tend to attract sensitive clients. Many years ago, when I was practicing homeopathy, I tried to explain the benefits of being sensitive to one of my clients. This lady was reacting to everything, the emotions of others, the allopathic medicines, the foods. I told her that sensitivity is a […]

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Почему у осознанных людей слабые энергетические границы.

Многие чувствительные, духовно одаренные и осознанные люди часто берут на себя тяжелую энергию других людей. Эта проблема особенно обостряется, когда такие люди начинают следовать зову своего сердца и открываются тонкому миру, не умея работать с тонкими энергиями. Их поле оказывается открыто для вторжения низких вибраций, чувствительность становится болезненно обостренной, а целостность и без того хрупких […]

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The Guilt and the Inherited Dark Magic

I publish this case with the permission of my client. I changed all personal details to preserve privacy. Nicole, a female client in her late 40s, came to see me because she felt guilty for not fulfilling her potential. She used to work in the IT industry and then switched to bodywork, as she felt […]

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Aliens, Insomnia, and Birth Trauma

This is a description of a regression work with a client published with the client’s permission. All identifying details were altered. Kathy, a beautiful 45-year-old woman, came to see me for insomnia. First, we worked on her fear that something will happen to her at night. She was waking up at the same time every […]

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Are you a Captive of a Wounded Inner Child

I’ve long been amazed how traumas from childhood can cause life changing emotional and relationship issues, and when the wound is healed a dramatically quick transformation takes place. Coping behaviours that are adopted at the time of the trauma are carried into adulthood as repetitive behaviours and most people are not aware of them. In this article you can discover which inner child coping behaviour you can identify with. 

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Discover Your Clair Senses to Connect with the Spirit Ream.

Like the five senses you use to operate in the external reality, you have inner channels of perception for receiving information internally. When communicating with the spirit world, you use those inner senses. It is essential to learn about them to make your spirit communication effective. Some of those inner channels correspond to the five […]

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