7 Common Blocks to Remembering a Past Life and How To Overcome Them

You listened to a guided past life regression meditation on youtube, but nothing came up. Maybe you even paid a hypnotherapist for a past life regression session, but you did not see anything.

Frustrated, you either decide that all this past life talk is nonsense or arrive at a conclusion that something is wrong with you. Everybody can see a past life, but you cannot. 

But wait, do not give up so easily. Past life recall is a skill. Almost anybody can learn to access their past lives. Remember how you learned a multiplication table at school? It did not happen overnight. Some of your classmates did it very quickly; for some, it took time. In the end, everybody knows how to multiply. Accessing a past life is similar. It takes some people longer than others to figure it out, but eventually, everybody can do it. When the door to your past life memories opens, it will get easier and easier every time you do it

I am a hypnotherapist and a regression therapist. Helping my clients to access a past life is what I do professionally. I have been working with past life regression for quite some time. I did have a couple of clients I could not help in one or two sessions, but the great majority did access a past life during our first meeting.

Here is the list of obstacles I observed in my practice that block past-life recall. Some of those obstacles can only be helped by a trained regression therapist. However, some of them you can overcome on your own when listening to a past life meditation.

Here they are, the 7 common blocks to recalling a past life:

  1. You access a past life, but the images or sensations are vague.  It feels as if the information is slowly trickling down, drop by drop. To make this flow stronger, use your imagination. Imagine what could have happened if you were to access a past life. Do it playfully. Consider imagination a key that opens the part of your mind that accesses those memories. Start with imagination and observe how the story of your past life develops and slowly gains momentum. How would you know that you have not just invented this past life? Soon you will start feeling emotions, physical sensations. The narrative will develop in an unexpected way; you may not even like what comes up. There will be lots of relevance to your current life. You may even recognize some characters in the story. 
  2. Your strong analytical mind suppresses the information that comes from your subconscious. When recalling a past life, you need to relax your analytical mind to allow your subconscious to speak to you. It feels like you have two streams of consciousness, the regular one and the one that comes from your subconscious. If you have fears, doubts, tension, or your analytical mind is just too strong and controlling, it will squash the subtle information from the subconscious. When subconscious starts giving you this information, you may perceive some images and sensations, hear or feel something. However, your analytical mind will discard this information. It will tell you that you imagine it. When this happens, do not listen to this voice in your head. Let those thoughts come to you, and let them pass through. Before you start your past life meditation, visualize a box, put all those thoughts there, and close the lid. If, during the meditation, the thoughts of this nature intrude, put them back in the box.
  3. You think you cannot reach the state of trance. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. We all fall asleep. The state just before you fall asleep is hypnosis. Recalling a past life is like reading an absorbing book. You feel like you are literally inside the story. However, you are aware of what is happening around you. This is precisely how a trance state feels. You need to be only in a light state of trance to access a past life. Some people do have a problem relaxing even into a light hypnosis state. The reasons for that could be fears, a strong desire for control, a very active analytical mind (See paragraph 2), etc. You will need a help of a professional regression therapist here. They may use special ways to help you go into a trance. Another way to resolve this problem is to access a past life through a strong emotion, a physical sensation, or even by repeating a sentence that has a significant meaning to you. Those ways of regressing into a past life do not require hypnosis and are very quick and effective. You will need to find a regression therapist familiar with this modality. Not all hypnotherapists are trained to access a past life this way.
  4. You expect to SEE a past life, but you may be getting information in another way. We have inner channels of perception; they are similar to our regular five scenes but not the same. They are often called clair senses. Many people are visual; they see images in their minds. This sense is called clairvoyance. Some people feel physical sensations and emotions; they are clairsentient. Some of us can hear the information; they are clairaudient. Some people simply know what is happening to them; they are claircognizant. Usually, you have one clair sense more developed than another. As you progress in accessing information from the spiritual world, all scenes will develop. When just starting with a past life recall, do not expect to see; be open to all ways of receiving information. If you feel like you just know it, do not discard this feeling, it is probably true. 
  5. You have intrusive energy that prevents you from accessing your past lives. Intrusive energies are prevalent, especially in people trying to open up to the other side of the veil. This topic is controversial; however, I have had so much clinical success with removing intrusive energies, not only for past-life recall, that I feel I have to write about it. Intrusive energies are any energies that are not yours but are attached to your energy field. Those may be the energy of dead people who do not go into the light and attach themselves to live people (also called spirit attachments), thought forms, dense emotional energy, elemental energies, etc. Usually, I start working with new clients by removing intrusive energies. They tend to not only block a past life recall but make you suffer on physical, mental, and emotional levels. 
  6. You need to process a traumatic event from this life before you can access a past life. This trauma will block access to past life memories till you heal it. You need a help of a professional regression therapist to work on this traumatic event. You cannot heal trauma on your own. I always warn my clients about this possibility. If a traumatic event from their current life shows up, I resolve it during the first session. Then, during the next session, they can access their past life memories. 
  7. You enter a past life in a scene of trauma. For example, your entry point in a past life is when you are suddenly attacked and killed. When this happens, you freeze; your conscious mind checks out, leaves the body. In a way, nobody is home to remember. Those memories stay only in your body. In addition to that, your mind usually blocks traumatic events. If you access a past life at this point, you see nothing, you feel nothing, except vague physical sensations. Your regression therapist may help you by accessing your body memories. If I suspect that this is happening, I talk to my client’s body. I ask it to shift to the position it wants to take and show me what is happening. I then process and remove the frozen body energy. After that, the images of a past life start to come up. You will need a help of a regression therapist who has been trained in working with body memories. 

Recalling a past life allows you to access the wisdom of your soul accumulated during all those lives. It brings you the realization that you have lived before and will live in the future. That the life you are in right now is just a tiny segment in the path of your soul. I wish you happy past life journeys.

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