Aliens, Insomnia, and Birth Trauma

This is a description of a regression work with a client published with the client’s permission. All identifying details were altered.

Kathy, a beautiful 45-year-old woman, came to see me for insomnia. First, we worked on her fear that something will happen to her at night. She was waking up at the same time every night. When I regressed her to the cause of this waking, she described the earthquake that happened several years ago at the precisely same time at night. The energy from the trauma was released, and her sleep got somewhat better.

During the next session, she identified another reason for not being able to fall asleep. She was afraid to stay alone at home. When I asked about the worst that could happen to her when she is at home alone, she said, “You know, Masha, I am afraid of aliens.”

As a hypnotherapist, I read books about the work with alien abductees, but I never encountered a client with this issue. I was intrigued. Maybe I will be the one to work with an actual alien abductee. Excited, I started the regression.

Her fear was very strong, 10 out of 10 on the scale of one to ten. It was worse at night but was also present during the day. She felt like “an alien is going to jump out of the window behind me,” or “The aliens will penetrate the walls of my house and abduct me.” These thoughts were accompanied by heart palpitations and the sensation of compression in her chest.

I asked her to connect to the sensation of fear and go to the earlier time in her life when she could not sleep because of the fear of aliens. She found herself in a high school, not sleeping for a month, afraid she will be abducted by aliens. I asked her to feel the fear and move to the source of this fear.

She first perceived an intense fear, vague bodily sensations, and foggy images. All of this is typical when recalling a traumatic event. After I worked somatically to release frozen body memories, the information started to come on gradually. She is lying on a table, and the aliens are doing something to her. I guided her to dialog with the aliens. This is a technique when a client verbalizes their own questions and the answers from another character. The aliens said they made a contract with Kathy before her incarnation to access her body. Kathy decided to renegotiate this agreement. She said she does not allow them access to her body any longer.

She felt lots of alien energy around and inside her body and removed it with her hands. After that, she used a metaphor of a cosmic vacuum cleaner to suck out the energy fragments. She then dissolved the cords connecting her with the aliens.

I created a shield around her that does not allow any alien energy to penetrate. I also wrote on the shield, “No aliens allowed.”

I gave her the homework of using her shield every time she goes to sleep or wakes up during the night.

After the session, she still felt some fear. I knew that more work will be required and was intrigued at what else could come up.

In a week, Kathy came for another session. Her fear of aliens was still present, 4 out of 10, with the same intensity of physical sensations. She also had a dream where aliens said they will be back.

I asked Kathy to connect with her fear and directed her to the event that was the cause of the fear.

Kathy regressed to being 7 years old. She was sitting in the dark on her bed, everybody around her asleep. She had to go to the bathroom but was too afraid to leave her bed. I knew this was not the original event that caused the fear, so I proceeded further.

Again, I directed Kathy to go to the event that was the reason for the fear. She regressed to be a scared 2-year-old, sitting at the edge of the bed. Before going to sleep, her mother told little Kathy that there are alligators under the bed. If she just put her foot on the floor, an alligator will eat her up. Now, little Kathy sits on the edge of the bed, scared of alligators, unable to move. Kathy recalled that her mother would frequently frighten her with alligators. If she does something wrong, goes somewhere, an alligator would eat her up. She felt extreme palpitations and compression in the chest.

Although this was a relatively early event, I felt that there was an even earlier traumatic event. So I proceeded to direct Kathy to go to an earlier event that was the reason for the fear.

She felt a strong heartbeat, felt like she was floating in a horizontal position in the dark, terrified. She felt difficulty breathing and was nauseous. Some rubber-like substance on her face was preventing her from breathing. She felt stuck, not being able to see anything, like in a horror movie. Although Kathy felt as if aliens were doing it to her, something that she said made me put aside my alien discoverer ambitions.

I started first working somatically to remove frozen body memories. Somatic hypnotherapy uses energy, metaphor, and body movements to free the energy stuck in the body. Kathy first tore the rubber-like membrane with her hands, then imagined taking a vacuum cleaner in her hands to completely remove it. After that, she felt as if there is a cord around her neck. Kathy used her hands to tear the cord and free her neck. She then worked on getting her head unstuck and coughed out the liquid from her mouth. After that, Kathy felt her stomach settling, nausea gone, breathing normalizing. She then felt being pulled down, and after some time, she said she could see a very bright light; her body felt cold. She understood that this was the moment of being born. She was wrapped in a blanket, but nobody was holding her. Then she was wheeled away on a cart.

It is typical for the clients who had birth trauma to have unexplained fears and regress to the trauma at birth. Using somatic work is extremely important to release the birth trauma energy. I suppose the membrane she initially felt was the placenta preventing her from breathing. After the somatic work was done, Kathy felt that fear left her completely.

After processing this event, we reframed the other events that came up during the session.

She gave a toddler sitting on the edge of the bed the energy of strength, courage, and love. She talked to her toddler self and told her that she will be OK if she leaves the bed and stands on the floor. The adult Kathy took the toddler by her hand, and they both stood on the floor by the bed. They then both dropped on hands and knees to peeked under the bed. There were no alligators on the floor and under the bed. The toddler felt safe and protected and proceeded to move on the floor to explore.

The toddler then grew up and became a 7-year-old girl, again sitting on the bed, afraid to go to the bathroom. With all the strength, courage, and love she now had, the 7-year-old was no longer scared of alligators. She got up and went to the bathroom. She was not afraid of the dark.

The high schooler was not scared of aliens any longer and can sleep easily.

I then asked Kathy to revisit her early 20s with all the qualities she received, then her late twenties, thirties, etc. Till the current time. She felt that her life was changing. In the end, she saw herself in the current moment in a different job, feeling happier with better relationships.

I asked her then to dialog with her mother. I offered her to project the pain that she felt as a child and adult into her mother. The mother felt her daughter’s pain and “got it.”

I then suggested the client met her mother when she was 6 years old. Kathy’s mother was a naughty child, full of energy. She was being very controlled by her strict mother, Kathy’s grandmother. In the same way, Kathy’s mother wanted to control Kathy. This gave Kathy an understanding of why her mother behaved this way. She was not ready to forgive her mother yet but felt more accepting of her. Probably, more work will be needed here in the future.

After the session, Kathy called her mother and confirmed that she was stuck in-utero during labor with a cord around her neck. After the birth, Kathy was not held by her mother because of medical complications. My client did not know about it before the session. Overall, Kathy felt very well. The fear of aliens was gone entirely.

A few days after the session, Kathy sent me a picture of an alien. Before the session, the fear was so intense that she could not even look at the images of aliens. Now they did not bother her.

It has been a year since I worked with Kathy. Her fear of aliens has never come back. Recently, Kathy sent me a book about alien civilizations helping Earth people transition to higher vibrational energy. She is reading the book now, without any fear. Her sleep is also greatly improved.

Do I think Kathy was indeed abducted by aliens, as she reported in her earlier regression session? I do not know. It could have been just a metaphor. I think that it does not matter. Clearly, her birth was traumatic and triggered a fear of the unknown, of the aliens. Regressing her to the birth scene and releasing the frozen body memories allowed Kathy to get over her fear, significantly improve her sleep and overall well-being.

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