Почему у осознанных людей слабые энергетические границы.

Многие чувствительные, духовно одаренные и осознанные люди часто берут на себя тяжелую энергию других людей. Эта проблема особенно обостряется, когда такие люди начинают следовать зову своего сердца и открываются тонкому миру, не умея работать с тонкими энергиями. Их поле оказывается открыто для вторжения низких вибраций, чувствительность становится болезненно обостренной, а целостность и без того хрупких […]

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The Guilt and the Inherited Dark Magic

I publish this case with the permission of my client. I changed all personal details to preserve privacy. Nicole, a female client in her late 40s, came to see me because she felt guilty for not fulfilling her potential. She used to work in the IT industry and then switched to bodywork, as she felt […]

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Aliens, Insomnia, and Birth Trauma

This is a description of a regression work with a client published with the client’s permission. All identifying details were altered. Kathy, a beautiful 45-year-old woman, came to see me for insomnia. First, we worked on her fear that something will happen to her at night. She was waking up at the same time every […]

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Are you a Captive of a Wounded Inner Child

I’ve long been amazed how traumas from childhood can cause life changing emotional and relationship issues, and when the wound is healed a dramatically quick transformation takes place. Coping behaviours that are adopted at the time of the trauma are carried into adulthood as repetitive behaviours and most people are not aware of them. In this article you can discover which inner child coping behaviour you can identify with. 

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Discover Your Clair Senses to Connect with the Spirit Ream.

Like the five senses you use to operate in the external reality, you have inner channels of perception for receiving information internally. When communicating with the spirit world, you use those inner senses. It is essential to learn about them to make your spirit communication effective. Some of those inner channels correspond to the five […]

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Connecting to the Spirit World

Have you ever wished for a close relationship with a magnificent being, all-knowing, kind, and wise? The one who can dispel all your doubts, give you answers to all your questions, show you the new direction in life, and heal your body and soul? Imagine closing your eyes, going into a deeply relaxed state, connecting […]

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What is Hypnosis?

I am frequently asked about hypnosis. People are afraid of being programmed in hypnosis, being forced to do something that goes against their will, being “messed up” and harmed in some way.  10 years ago, just before my first hypnosis session, I asked the same questions of my hypnotist. This first session was my first […]

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What I Learned From My Clients About Relationships

Difficulties in a romantic relationship is the number one topic for my client’s sessions. Our partners push our buttons, sometimes inadvertently, sometimes, on purpose. Those “buttons” are our woundings from the past, that we have been carrying around for a very long time. Many of our “buttons” can only be reached through an intimate connection […]

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4 Simple Steps to Overcome Negative Emotions 

Even though those steps are simple, they may become a powerful tool if practiced regularly, every time you experience negative emotions. Step 1. Catch yourself feeling a negative emotion (fear, anger, anxiety, sadness, despair, etc). Step 2. Turn your attention to the sensations in your body. Scan yourself from head to toe. How does the […]

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